
Video Launch: Belle Park from the Air
Come to the Broom Factory (305 Rideau St.) as we launch our short video, Belle Park from the Air, based on 100 years of aerial photographs of Belle Park and Belle Island. What do these images tell us about this place or invite us to ask about it? We want to hear your thoughts! Refreshments will be served.

A walk in the park with a twist… six artists, music, installations, explorations.

Meet the River II
Join us for a family event at the sign of the fish at the south end of Douglas Fluhrer Park to spend time together, to learn about these waters and all that they are sustaining and the challenges they face, and to do some fishy art!

A Week in Belle Park: BioBlitz and More
Come BioBlitz with us! We will be using the iNaturalist app to document all the plants and creatures that call Belle Park home. Walks and talks throughout the week will focus on plants, birds, and the totem pole; you can even help photograph the park using a helium balloon.
All events start at the Totem Pole by Montreal Street and are open to all ages & abilities. Wear solid shoes and dress for the weather.
Beneath the surface of Belle Park: A journey from the “knowns” to the “unknowns”
A walking tour of Belle Park, guided by Dr. Mary Louise Adams (School of Kinesiology and Health Studies) and Dr. Alexander Braun (Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering).
Sunday, October 17th from 3:00-5:00 PM (Rain date: Tuesday, October 19th, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM). Meet at the Totem Pole at the entrance to Belle Park, 731 Montreal Street. The walk will be on the gravel service road hugging the park to the south and overlooking the Tannery lands.
COVID protocols apply, so please bring a mask and maintain proper distancing.

Meet the River
Community members gathered in Douglas Fluhrer Park for an evening of learning about the Cataraqui River. Co-hosted with River First YGK and Swim Drink Fish.

Environmental Racism is Garbage Conference
As part of the virtual symposium and research creation/art project, Environmental Racism is Garbage, the Belle Park team created a time-lapsed video of the Belle Park totem pole for 24hrs. The symposium asked participants to explore knowledge production and acts of resistance related to ecological crisis and racialized injustice.